Dave Zeltserman 's Books
A very well recieved series by Dave Zeltserman are the books, featuring tropes. The most popular books are More Julius Katz and Archie, Mind Prison, The Interloper, Fast Lane, Bad Thoughts, A Killer's Essence, Monster, Small crimes bgooj-1, Blood Crimes, Julius Katz and Archie, Killer bgooj-3, Julius Katz Mysterie, Bad Karma, Julius Katz Mysteries, 21 Tales, Small Crimes, The Boy Who Killed Demons: A Novel, Blood Crimes: Book One, Husk, The Caretaker of Lorne Field, Bad Thoughts bs-1, Dying Memories, The Hunted, which was published in 2022.
More Julius Katz and Archie
Mind Prison
The Interloper
Fast Lane
Bad Thoughts
A Killer's Essence
Small crimes bgooj-1
Blood Crimes
Julius Katz and Archie
Killer bgooj-3
Julius Katz Mysterie
Bad Karma
Julius Katz Mysteries
21 Tales
Small Crimes
The Boy Who Killed Demons: A Novel
Blood Crimes: Book One
The Caretaker of Lorne Field
Bad Thoughts bs-1
Dying Memories
The Hunted